Door snails


The two lipped door snail (Alinda biplicata), or Thames door snail, has a brown tower-shaped shell that can grows around 16 to 18 mm (max. 22 mm) high and about 3.8 to 4.0 mm thick.

This snail species usually feed on algae from rocks and barks, but they can also be fed with oatmeal, cucumber, leaves of Pekingese cabbage, lettuce, pieces of carrot and champignons.

Egg shells and dolomite tablets can be provided as a source of calcium.

The snails reproduce during the whole year, more intensively in the spring and autumn. The snails give birth to juveniles (no egg-laying). The number of juveniles per litter is 1 to 8. The snails produce around 3 to 20 juveniles in 2 to 9 batches per year. Growth to adulthood lasts 20 to 56 weeks. The life span is 4 to 6 years. 

Distribution: A number of European countries and islands.
Origin: The Netherlands. In my care since 2024.
